We can use below query to display logs at frontend via twig.
{% set query = craft.loginAttempts.activity().all() %}
ID of log.
User ID of the log for which login try was attempted.
Username or Email used to try login.
Status of login attempt. Can be either success
or failed
IP Address of user who tried to attempt the login.
If login attempt failed, this variable will store error user got for that failed attempt.
Date of the log created.
date of the log updated
UID of given log.
{% set query = craft.loginAttempts.activity()
.limit(100).all() %}
{% for log in query %}
{{ log.id }} <br>
{{ log.userId }} <br>
{{ log.loginName }} <br>
{{ log.loginStatus }} <br>
{{ log.ipAddress }} <br>
{{ log.error }} <br>
{{ log.dateCreated|datetime('m-d-Y h:i A') }} <br>
{{ log.dateUpdated|datetime('m-d-Y h:i A') }} <br>
{{ log.uid }} <br>
{% endfor %}